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Model 3 Model 3 Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive

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Price History Tracking Summary
Data size:10 records available
Lowest price:$31,490.00
Highest price:$31,990.00
Average price:$31,940.00
Earliest price alert:Wed, August 21, 2024
Latest price alert:Sat, September 07, 2024
Price increase alerts:1
Price drop alerts:9
Back In Stock Alerts:0
Out of Stock Alerts:1
Postal Code(s):nearest store
Product Locale:US
Product Currency:USD
Users Tracking Item:0 (tracked by the Glass It team)
Data is based on price change notification settings from Glass It.

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Model 3 Model 3 Long Range Rear-Wheel Drive

Price history from:

$31,990.00 Tesla Price as of Mon, September 09, 2024
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